Primrose Hill – Long Lane

We are planning a new biomethane facility on an area of land to the east of Long Lane and about 500m north of the A1079 – south of High Catton.

The site

The site is in a rural location with few houses nearby and is proposed to be set back from Long Lane. Existing hedgerows and trees along the carriageway will be retained with only a small section of hedgerow proposed to be removed to allow for the existing agricultural access to be widened. This hedgerow will be replaced, and a large amount of existing hedgerow will be improved. Furthermore, hedgerows, trees and a woodland belt will be part of the planting scheme.

As well as specific site characteristics, the location has been chosen for several reasons, including:

  • Proximity to the national gas grid network
  • The need to manage local agricultural wastes that are currently spread to land
  • The availability of local agricultural feedstocks
  • A local need for biofertilser to help grow crops and improve agricultural soils
  • The site is screened by existing trees and hedgerows with the opportunity to plant more
  • There is enough land to allow for mitigation to ensure residents and other local receptors will not be detrimentally impacted
  • The site has a suitable access
  • There is sufficient land for the proposal

Green gas for local homes

Each one of our new developments should provide enough renewable gas to power approximately 5,200 homes locally.

Local farmers

Ensuring a sustainable and consistent income for local farmers.


Offering educational visits for local schools and community groups 

Circular economy

Contributing to the circular economy, using feedstock from local farmers to power the community.

With four biomethane plants already operating safely and reliably across the South West, coupled with our vast experience and passion for renewable energy, we are proud to lead the UK’s energy transition. Our green gas powers tens of thousands of local homes, supports farmers and helps shape a cleaner future.

Contact our engagement team

Could you be a feedstock provider?

If you farm locally and are interested in becoming a feedstock provider, please contact the team on the above details. We are looking for crops and agricultural wastes such as FYM, slurry, chicken litter etc.

Find out more