First Hydro Company Information and Policies
This page provides comprehensive details about our safety policies and environmental initiatives at First Hydro Company. We prioritise safe and sustainable operations, ensuring we deliver reliable energy solutions whilst minimising our environmental impact.
Open Access Land
First Hydro Company accepts the need to provide a duty of care where there are risks which we might reasonably be expected to offer protection. This duty does not extend to people who willingly accept risks, such as hikers and climbers. However, we do need to consider the situation very carefully to comply with the law and decide what might be reasonably expected of us to safeguard the public while they are on our land.
This will be achieved by taking account of public access in the risk assessment for First Hydro Company business. The risks associated with specific work tasks on our land will be assessed on an individual basis.
Under the new ‘Countryside & Rights of Way Act 2000’ First Hydro Company has no duty of care in respect of risks that arise from natural features, rivers, streams, ponds, cliffs, ditches, or misuse of walls, fences or gates on their land, unless it deliberately created the risk or recklessly allowed it to arise.
Social Policies
First Hydro Company is committed to upholding the highest levels of quality, environmental and health and safety awareness, responsibility and integrity. First Hydro Company recognises the implications of its operations and is mindful of its impact on the environment, its people and others. We are committed to improvements in environmental performance and are certified to ISO 14001 and OHSAS 18001 at our Power Stations and Visitor Centre.
Community Relations
Sponsorship and Donations Form – Guidance
First Hydro Company places high priority on its role as a patron for a wide range of initiatives that benefit local communities, education, sport, the arts and the environment.
First Hydro Company contributes to a range of projects and activities that are generally within a 10 mile radius of the two power stations in Gwynedd.
These include:
- Canoe/Kayak Clubs
- Marathons, Fell and Team Obstacle Races
- Football/Cycling/Rugby/Cricket Adult/Youth Teams
- Nature Reserves
- Sheepdog Trials
- Archaeological/Vintage Equipment Societies
- Mountain Rescue Teams
FHC Commitment
We devote the majority of our sponsorship and donations budget to activities which benefit the local communities in which we operate across these areas:
- Educational initiatives
- Culture and the Arts
- Environmental initiatives
- Health and Sport
- Supporting the efforts of our staff in community based projects
These are in addition to supporting educational programmes such as work experience from schools and colleges, as well as graduate student placements.
First Hydro Company also supports match funding to colleagues raising funds for local charities.
Applying for Funding
Applications should include as much detail as possible, including a full breakdown of costs, and make reference to sustainable items where applicable. First Hydro Company does not pay the VAT for either sponsorships or donations. Please note that only fully completed Sponsorship and Donations Application Forms will be considered for assessment, which is based on one application per year.
Unless specifically approved by the First Hydro Company Management Team, support will not normally be given to:
- Individuals
- Expeditions and Trips
- Advertising
- Paying wages to people
- Political, military or religious organisations
- National Charities (unless full proceeds are for local benefit)
Sponsorships and donations applications, and staff match funding requests shall be reviewed and approved, where applicable, by the Community Relations Committee, who meet generally on a monthly basis, usually at the beginning of each month.
Applications should be submitted in sufficient time to be processed in advance of each scheduled meeting.
It should be noted that First Hydro Company is not in a position to guarantee any funding, either beyond the current budget/financial year or otherwise, and as a result no Club/Group or Project commitments should be made outside of these timescales.
For further information on how to apply for a Sponsorship and Donations Application Form, please email