Energy efficiency tips for your business

As part of our ongoing commitment to you and to the environment, we want to help you lower your energy bills and reduce your carbon footprint. Here are our top tips to help you reduce your business energy costs. Some of them are surprisingly simple.

Remember, small changes in daily habits and a focus on energy efficiency can lead to significant savings over time while reducing your environmental impact.

Apply for a Smart Meter

Business Smart Meters measure your energy consumption and can send regular consumption information directly to us for use on your bills, so there is no need to take manual meter readings.


Check your thermostat

Make sure your thermostat and boiler settings are correct (you may be surprised). Consider fitting a smart thermostat that allows you to control your heating and cooling remotely via an App or from your PC. This allows you to reduce energy consumption when you're away from home or sleeping, while still maintaining a comfortable environment when needed.

Switch off computers and screens when not in use

Typically a PC uses an extra £60 of energy per year if left on at night and at the weekends. You can identify where energy is being wasted with a remote monitoring system.

Fit lighting timers or motion sensors

The use of motion sensors in commercial buildings can reduce lighting energy use by as much as 30%.

Regularly service your air conditioning

Air conditioning filters account for around 30% of the energy used by the system. Cleaning filters and regular maintenance ensures energy efficient performance.

Update your technology

Replace old IT equipment and kitchen appliances with energy efficient ones. Make sure you check the energy rating label so you can see how efficient it is before you purchase.

Keep windows and doors closed

By simply keeping your windows and doors closed during cooler months you can save up to 10% in heating bills each year. When it’s warmer this will keep air conditioning working efficiently too.

Install energy efficient or LED lighting

Replace traditional incandescent bulbs with energy-efficient alternatives like LED or CFL bulbs. They use significantly less electricity and last much longer. Remember to turn off lights when not in use and make use of natural daylight whenever possible. LED bulbs can last 8 to 10 times longer than standard lamps and typically consume 30 to 40% less energy than fluorescents.

*Source: The Carbon Trust.